Het Roze Olifantje – Ik denk er niet aan

vrijdag 25 september 2009

Product van de week: Lekker Op Brood


In de botervloot die staat te fonkelen op de foto zit het product van de week van deze week. Lekker Op Brood is de naam. Wat Lekker Op Brood precies is, is stevig verpakt in voorzichtige formuleringen. Op de onderkant van de vloot staat boven de declaratie van ingrediënten: “Product voor op brood.”

De ingrediënten – water, oliën, vetten, zetmeel, zout, emulgator, aroma’s, voedingszuur, soja-eiwit, conserveermiddel, caroteen en twee vitamines – zeggen weinig over de smaak van Lekker Op Brood. Een eenvoudige test leert dat Lekker Op Brood zich makkelijk laat uitsmeren op brood, en naar de mening van het testpanel smaakt het ook prima op brood. “Niet lekker, maar prima, mits samen met beleg, hartig of zoet,” oordeelde één van de panelleden letterlijk.

Lekker Op Brood is boterachtig, maar mag geen boter heten, want het is geen boter. En de boterwet, aangenomen in 1889, verbiedt kruideniers om producten die op echte boter lijken, maar geen echte boter zijn, als boter te verkopen. Vandaar de voorzichtige formuleringen. Het blijft verbazingwekkend wat men na de geboorte allemaal te weten komt.

2 reacties op “Product van de week: Lekker Op Brood”

  1. I’m frightful that this coenmmt will be the longest one ever, mostly because my husband has constantly been in the same boat and I’m his personal motivational speaker. So I’m just going to tell you some of the things I tell him, knowing that you’re probably in similar situations.Many of the personality tests, and other stuff out there we take to try and determine what we “should” be in life, focus on one or two traits that we CURRENTLY possess. You can also easily sway the tests in any way you choose subconsciously. So these aren’t really accurate indicators of what you should be in life, because you can always learn to love something new, no matter what it is.What you SHOULD focus on is a) what you WANT to do and b) how you can make it work for you. Never in a million years did I think I would be a web designer. Sure, I was creative and crafty or whatever, but if you asked me what I really wanted to be while in college I would have shrugged my shoulders. (I was a general studies major for 2 years and switched majors like five times!) I could have probably been happy in any job – ad exec, actress, doctor, news anchor…and believe me, I tried to be ALL of them at some point. So what made me “switch” to this random career that I had NEVER thought about before, and why does it work so well? It’s not like I majored in graphic design and web design…I never even thought about it. But I’m pretty good at it, and can use many talents all in this one field. It was all about PURSUING an OPPORTUNITY. You can be good at a million things, love to do a million things, and be happy in a million jobs. But if you focus on ONE thing, and take the opportunities as they come to you (as well as finding opportunities) then you can be successful and happy. For example, you mentioned above that if you made a gift, it would probably involve food. That wasn’t the MAIN thing you focused on…blogging and writing seem to be what you’re focusing on now. But when I first started blogging and designing my own blogs… my focus wasn’t on starting my own web design business either. That just sort of happened because I took an opportunity to design blogs for other people, and pursued it. So if you start doing something you like outside the normal realm of what you’re comfortable with, like – say – making amazing food for church events, friends, and the like…who knows – someone may LOVE your food and ask you to feed their party. From there, someone at the party may be impressed and ask to do their wedding. Before you know it, you have your own catering business.So my point is, finding what you LOVE to do isn’t the biggest obstacle. The biggest obstacle is going to be seriously pursuing the opportunities that come your way, and working your ASS off to make it happen. You can’t get discouraged if you’ve hosted 10 parties and nothing has come of them. You have to evaluate yourself to decide if it’s YOU, or the opportunities that make the difference. If people hate your food they hate your food, and you move on to something different. If your food is awesome but there’s ZERO market for a caterer, find a place that HAS the market. (This is just a specific example of a generalized theory.) You can’t give up, you can’t be lazy, and you can’t NOT work your ass off if you really want to pursue something you love. The only time you fail is when you stop trying.AAAnnnd told you that would be long. :D

  2. I want Ed Walker of The Big Broadcast on WAMU 88.5 FM in D.C. to play some Jewish themed shows at Jewish Holiday times. Can you tell me, is there no Jewish Old Time Radio avabialle to be played over the air? Why can’t we have A LITTLE Passover or Hanukah mixed in with the huge amount of Easter & Christmas we get. I know that there is a lot more Christian themed shows, because there are a lot more Christians, but are there no Jewish shows avabialle to be broadcast?What’s your knowledge of this topic? Thanks

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